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How to solve "could not find dart in your flutter sdk" when you build flutter project 플러터 빌드 시 could not find dart in your flutter sdk 에러 해결 방법How to solve "could not find dart in your flutter sdk" when you build flutter project   방법 1. 간단한 해결 VS code를 이용중이라면 Flutter와 Dart 익스텐션을 제거했다가 다시 설치하면 된다. 방법2. 본질적인 해결 1. 환경변수에 flutter, dart 경로 추가export PATH="$PATH:/Users/sjh/development/flutter/bin"export PATH="$PATH:/Users/sjh/development/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin"source ~/.zshrc #.. 2024. 6. 5.
[Solved][Ios] Unable to find a target named `RunnerTests` in project `Runner.xcodeproj`, did find `Runner`. [Solved][Ios] Unable to find a target named `RunnerTests` in project `Runner.xcodeproj`, did find `Runner`. 에러메시지 (Error situation) flutter 앱을 ios버전으로 빌드하는 중에 발생한 에러. 어떻게 해결해야하나 찾아보던 중 해결책을 발견하여 공유한다. [!] Unable to find a target named `RunnerTests` in project `Runner.xcodeproj`, did find `Runner`. 해결 방법 (Solution) ios/Podfile 의 RunnerTests 관련 코드를 제거하면 된다! 즉, 아래의 원본 코드를 [Eng](Just remove the Runn.. 2023. 8. 17.
[Solved][ios] CocoaPods did not set the base configuration of your project because your project already has a custom config set. [Solved][Ios][Flutter] CocoaPods did not set the base configuration of your project because your project already has a custom config set. 에러메시지 (Error) pod install --repo-update 위 명령을 내리다가 발생한 에러 메시지 [Eng](The error message that occurred while executing the above command) [!] CocoaPods did not set the base configuration of your project because your project already has a custom config set. In ord.. 2023. 8. 16.
[Solved][Flutter] Error: The getter 'docs' isn't defined for the type 'Object' [Solved][Flutter] Error: The getter 'docs' isn't defined for the type 'Object' 문제 상황 (Problem) StreamBuilder( stream: FirebaseFirestore.instance . . . ) 위 코드에서 에러가 발생한다. Error: The getter 'docs' isn't defined for the type 'Object' 해결 방법 (Solution) StreamBuilder를 StreamBuilder 로 변경하면 된다. StreamBuilder ( stream: FirebaseFirestore.instance . . . ) 2023. 7. 30.