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[Solved][firebase] error FirebaseError: Firebase Storage: User does not have permission to access '*******'. (storage/unauthorized) 해결방법

by studio ODOC 2022. 9. 3.

[Solved][firebase] 해결방법

error FirebaseError: Firebase Storage: User does not have permission to access '*******'. (storage/unauthorized)



Firebase storage의 내용을 read할때 발생하는 오류이다.

이 오류는 권한이 없는 유저가 storage의 내용을 읽고자 할 때 발생하므로

아래와 같이 Storage - Rules의 내용을 수정하자.


[English](This error occurs when reading the contents of Firebase storage.

This error occurs when an unauthorized user tries to read the contents of the storage.

Modify the contents of Storage - Rules as follows.)

rules_version = '2';
service firebase.storage {
  match /b/{bucket}/o {
    match /{allPaths=**} {
     allow read;
     allow write: if request.auth != null;



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