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Development Solutions/Docker

[Solved][Docker] mount failed: Operation not permitted. 해결 방법

by studio ODOC 2022. 8. 23.

Docker Solution - mount failed: Operation not permitted




docker 컨테이너에 privilege 권한을 줘야한다!


docker run --privileged ~~ 의 형태로 컨테이너를 생성해야함


아래는 해결하는 과정에서 도움됐던 URL

(Privilege permission should be given to docker containers!

Container must be created in the form of docker run --privileged ~~



Below is the URL that was helpful during the resolution process)




Can not unmount a device using "umount" in Docker

I don't know why but, umount is not working in docker. umount: loop3/: must be superuser to umount Let me share one more thing that is It creates loop3 under /mnt/loop3 in real machine. Which is...


