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Development Solutions/Flutter & Dart

[flutter][googlemap] flutter google map is not installed 에러

by studio ODOC 2022. 1. 22.




문제 상황

flutter 앱에 연동한 구글맵의 길찾기 버튼 등 연동 기능이

아래 팝업 메시지가 발생하며 정상 동작하지 않습니다.


flutter google map is not installed






해결 방법

AndroidMenifest.xml에 아래와 같이 코드를 삽입합니다.


<manifest package="com.your.package">
    <package android:name="com.google.android.apps.maps" />







Google maps is not installed or disabled ( Dart, Flutter ) | howtofix.io

Problem : ( Scroll to solution ) I have an app that user google navigation but as I am trying to use it it says: "google maps is not installed or disabled". I have read in the internet that this is an Android 11 issue. Any thoughts how to fix this? To fix


